Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Internship log hours Updated

I first used Microsoft Excel to create this chart then I used digital image so that I could post it as a picture.

Excel Tutorial # 3 Line Graph

I used Microsoft Excel to create this line graph. Then I used Digital image so that I could post it as a picture.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Excel Tutorial # 3 Column Chart

i used excel to make this chart then i used digital image to post this as a picture.

Excel Tutorial # 3 Pie Chart

I used excel to make this chart then I used digital image so I could post it as a picture.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Internship reflection # 7 march 25, 2009

This week i was making faxes to insurance companies and other places. i also had to answer phones and look up reports and tell people if they were ready or not. i browsed through all the report and record systems aegi records, ricrs, and rimars. i saw a bunch of new reports and records. then i had to work at the window attending to customers. they told me the report number or there last name and i searched for the report. when i found it i prointed it out and told them how much it cost. they paid for it and then i gave them there change back and the report. i did this for most of the day. i have learned just about everything in this department and its starting to get boring for me.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Excel Tutorial# 2

i used digital image to crop this picture. i had to make formulas for this assignment.

Internship reflection # 6 March 18, 2009

this week i browsed through the computer looking at all the programs that the police department has. then i got to see how police officers take reports. how they write their narratives, about the vehicles, peopled involved, witnesses, property, and reports also show a diagram. i had to deliver mail to the third floor to human resources. i had to answer phones, made faxes, and worked at the window. i worked their for most of the day. i have learned almost everything about this department already.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Internship log hours on excel

I put all the information in and used formulas to get the hours. Then I used digital image to crop it.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Internship Reflection # 5 March 11, 2009

this week i was in the records department. when i got there one of the clerks gave me a couple of report requests from insurance companies. i had to look them up in the system and print them out. then from there i went and faxed them to progressive. i had to answer phone calls and ask for the report numbers and i told them if the report was ready. i learned how to fix reports that were in the system. later on i worked at the window and i attended to the people. they gave me their report number, i found it printed it out and gave it to them and they paid for it. this week i did more.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

2-24-2009 excell 9 tutorials

i used the website to guide me. then i used digital image to crop it.

Eight major components of excel

Anthony Fagundes

Advanced computers

February 24, 2009

Eight major components of excel

· Active Cell: In an Excel 2007 worksheet, the cell with the black outline. Data is always entered into the active cell. It’s pretty much the current cell that you are in.

· Column Letter: Columns run vertically on a worksheet and each one is identified by a letter in the column header. It is located over row 1 in the worksheet.

· Formula Bar: Located above the worksheet, this area displays the contents of the active cell. It can also be used for entering or editing data and formulas.

· Name box: Located next to the formula bar, the Name Box displays the cell reference or the name of the active cell. It is used to assign names to cells or ranges of cells.

· Row Number: Rows run horizontally in an Excel 2007 worksheet and are identified by a number in the row header.

· Sheet Tab: When trying to switch between worksheets in an Excel 2007 file you have to click on the sheet tab at the bottom of the screen.

· Office Button: when you click on the Office Button it displays a drop down menu that contains a number of options, such as open, save, and print. The options in the Office Button menu are very similar to those found under the File menu in previous versions of Excel.

· Ribbon: The Ribbon is the strip of buttons and icons located on top of the work area in Excel 2007. The Ribbon replaces the menus and toolbars found in previous versions of Excel.

Internship Reflection #4 March 4, 2009

today when i came in i went to the records department. i was signed on to a computer by the clerk. she opened the accident, incident, and case search programs for me. the lady from ors came in to observe how i was working and what i was doing. thw morning was kind of slow. after a while it picked up up and i had to answer the phone and look up reports to see if they were ready. i also had to give directions to one lady on how to get to the police station.i watched the clerks do their jobs and how they attended to customers at the window. then later on i went and worked at the front window. when the customers came in i asked them if it was an accident or other. then i took their report numbers and searched for the report. if they didnt have a report number they gave me their last name, the date it happened, or the street location. then when i found the report, i seen if it was ready and if it was i pressed print and then it told me how many pages it was. i knew how much it cost, i asked them for the money then i gave them their change back and the report. i had to look through three different systems to find the reports sometimes. while their was nothing to do i browsed through recent reports and records. there was a lot of recent crash reports. i had to send some people back to the front window because they came to the wrong department or if they had a problem that we couldnt solve. i also had to ask for peoples licenses to see if it was them and to put their information into the computer. around 11:00 it got busier and their was more work to do. i also had to transfer phone calls to different departments.later when we went through the mail. they were requests for reports. i searched the reports, printed them out and stapled it. then i put it into an envelope and taped it close. i then had to make a couple faxes to the insurance companies. after that i went to mail the letters and reports.